
Hey everyone!
          	Popped in to make a quick announcement and to say hello!
          	2020 was a tough year for a lot of folks, introverts included, and I hope that everyone is doing well and taking care of one another. I'm also hoping that everyone is able to find their little 'escapes' from the world for a while, Wattpad is certainly a good place to start.
          	Alright, I'm sure a few of you have noticed my jumping on and re-releasing old chapters with new updates. I've been spending some time reading through old pieces and attempting to work on chapters or books that sorely need updates. That being said; if there's a specific book, or chapter, that you'd like for me to update, then head over to said book or chapter and star it! This helps me prioritize items faster than attempting to read through messages in my inbox, however commenting on chapters/books also works too!
          	Thank you guys for hanging in there and reading my stories, it's greatly appreciated, no matter if you're just passing through or sticking around in hopes I'll revive your favorite character! 
          	Alright, that's all for now. 
          	I love you all!
          	Please continue to take care of each other, especially yourselves, and I'll see you soon!
          	~Lots of hugs!~  


Hey everyone!
          Popped in to make a quick announcement and to say hello!
          2020 was a tough year for a lot of folks, introverts included, and I hope that everyone is doing well and taking care of one another. I'm also hoping that everyone is able to find their little 'escapes' from the world for a while, Wattpad is certainly a good place to start.
          Alright, I'm sure a few of you have noticed my jumping on and re-releasing old chapters with new updates. I've been spending some time reading through old pieces and attempting to work on chapters or books that sorely need updates. That being said; if there's a specific book, or chapter, that you'd like for me to update, then head over to said book or chapter and star it! This helps me prioritize items faster than attempting to read through messages in my inbox, however commenting on chapters/books also works too!
          Thank you guys for hanging in there and reading my stories, it's greatly appreciated, no matter if you're just passing through or sticking around in hopes I'll revive your favorite character! 
          Alright, that's all for now. 
          I love you all!
          Please continue to take care of each other, especially yourselves, and I'll see you soon!
          ~Lots of hugs!~  


Hello all! It's been a long time, far too long.
          This is just a little announcement that I'm taking an extended hiatus from this account. This doesn't mean goodbye forever, I'll still return now and again if inspiration persuades me or lack thereof. 
          As of now, I have another alias I've been working under. It's not much of a start, but the project I have planned there is coming together. Albeit slowly, it's making progress. I'll pop back in from time to time to keep an eye on things and maybe edit some old stories while I gather inspiration for my next one. ((For those interested in the other account, I'll post the link for it at the bottom of this section))
          I cannot believe how many years I've spent here on Wattpad with you guys! It's been an amazing ride so far. I wanted to thank you all for sticking with me through some tough times as well as a lot of stages of development. My writing was rather cringy in the beginning, but regardless, you all encouraged me to continue honing my skills and developing new ones, so for that I think you from the bottom of my heart. 
          While this is a partial ending to one chapter, I'm excited to work on the next. I have no idea what the future holds, maybe it's all going to be a huge flop or maybe it'll be better, regardless I'm thankful for follower like you. Your support means so much to smaller writing communities, I encourage seeking those out for the hidden gems that they are. 
          That's all for now, I'll see you all soon. Remember to be kind to one another and to take care of each other. Stay open minded and humble through these times, my stories are always going to be here if you need an escape. 
          Thank you all again! You are all so very loved!


Hello there everyone!
          It's been a while. Wanted to post a quick update before I went off to eat dinner.
          I've started a new job recently, been working really hard and spending lots of hours training myself to do better. (I think my boss has noticed too) Stories are still being looked over, edited, deleted, dashed, colored in, filed, printed and recited. 
          In other words, I haven't forgotten about any of them!
          With some luck I'll be able to pull through this busy bit of time and get to publishing a few new chapters for some of my stories. I have some ideas in mind for some older stories that I've been working on and I'm hoping you guys might like them. 
          Anyways, dinner bell is ringing so I'm off! 
          Hope to see you soon!


Wow I feel like it's been forever since I've been on Wattpad. 
          I wanted to let you all know that I'm currently on break from Wattpad so that I can properly manage my time with life, as some personal and family issues have risen into the spotlight. 
          I want to publish a few more chapters sometime soon, but I cannot make any sort of promises that they will appear for you all. 
          Thank you all for sticking by me through this.