
Who is keen for a Marvel Endgame rant??? Or Game of Thrones Season 8 rant and the new episode 3 


Hello! Thank you for adding my story to your reading list! I hope it's worth your time! Oh and how on earth did you find this book?❤


Well thank you!! I'm glad that it caught your attention! Happy reading!


@Shency123 No problem, looks really interesting. Someone I follow commented and voted on it and it caught my attention so I checked it out :)


Thanks for the follow! Much appreciated! I hope that if you ever want to check out my books that you'll like them ❤❤


@MADSmithy thanks! If you ever need a friend to talk to or you are bored, I pretty much live on wattpad so DM me xx


Np! They look very interesting so definitely will check them out :)


Hey everyone :) 
          Been a while since I last posted on here as I spent the whole of 2017 dealing with suddenly getting a bad case of glandular fever that wouldn’t go away. 
          Now I’m back, but not any healthier due to going into surgery for other reasons that are personal however not all things are bad as I get to start the incredible journey of university.
          Just wanted to say I am back into writing. I have decided to place Lost Connections on hold as I have come to a block with how to continue the rest of the story. However, I recently got inspired and am in the process of writing a new fantasy called The Reincarnated life of Lilianna Ford. First chapter posts will hopefully go up start/mid March after I am settled into uni :) 
          Hope you enjoy the new story and would love feed back and patience from you all xxx