
Jesus haven't done this in a while. New season of The Amazing Race has now begun and I am so excited to start Season 2 with a focus this time on the DreamSMP Members. Hopefully it goes well and you like it like my last season so let's see how this goes :D


Jesus haven't done this in a while. New season of The Amazing Race has now begun and I am so excited to start Season 2 with a focus this time on the DreamSMP Members. Hopefully it goes well and you like it like my last season so let's see how this goes :D


Hey all, If anyone is even still around. I'm sorry.
          Posted a new book I'd been working on for a few months but slowly making progress. Lazarbeam centric book and yeah, After so long taking off from writing. Feel free to give feedback on what you think.


@M1ckyj789 I'm still around!  Planning on getting back to editing for you, after the hellish year I had in 2019


So I'm changing from one group to another again. What started with Pack and then Sidemen, Is now heading to Click. Bit late to the party but still. Not confident enough doing Original stuff yet so gonna do a couple more fanfiction. Ideas I have had for a bit that just didnt work before. 1 new book is ul for Lannan so feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.


So depression has been really kicking my ass for the past year, hence why i had stopped a lot. But im trying really hard to do my best to create something. I dont know how often i can update but im still here. And still doing things. Ive uploaded now everything i have in my drafts so you can see what ive got. Sorry to everyone but yeah. Not going to lie to you all.