
I've been thinking about publishing some of my unfinished fics but I'm not sure about it, they aren't finished after all and often need to be edited still. 
          	I'm  thinking about making a Google Drive with some of the unfinished books but before I put work and effort in it I want to know if anyone is even interested, so please let me know if you are interested. (a lot of them are mentioned in the ‘book ideas’ I have published. 
          	All the love,
          	- A


I have started writing it a few times but I know I'm making it too big, if I’m gonna finish it, it will probably be a second part(like a short story) but I write a lot of books and not one has been finished after I'm Not Okay... So I can't make any promises


I've been thinking about publishing some of my unfinished fics but I'm not sure about it, they aren't finished after all and often need to be edited still. 
          I'm  thinking about making a Google Drive with some of the unfinished books but before I put work and effort in it I want to know if anyone is even interested, so please let me know if you are interested. (a lot of them are mentioned in the ‘book ideas’ I have published. 
          All the love,
          - A


I’m writing a book (again) and I needed bad lyrics for a song about sauce. I found this generator thing(which had the option to write a 1D lyric), and it wasn’t what I hoped for, but it sure made me laugh…
          Lately I found myself enjoying (enjoying)
          Been dreaming about you a lot (a lot)
          And up in my head I'm your world changer (world changer)
          But that's one thing you've already got.
          You're yummy,
          Don't know what for,
          You're turning heads when you eat a pickle,
          Don't need make-up,
          To cover up,
          Being the way that you are is enough.
          Sweety, you light up my world like nobody else,
          The way that you grab some food gets me overwhelmed,
          But when you enjoy my meal it ain't hard to tell,
          You don't know,
          Oh, oh,
          You don't know you're yummy,
          If only you saw what I can see,
          You'd understand why I want you so desperately,
          Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
          You don't know,
          Oh, oh,
          You don't know you're yummy,
          Oh, oh,
          That's what makes you yummy.
          I've tried playing it cool,
          But when I'm looking at you,
          I can't ever be delicious,
          'Cause you make my heart love.
          One way or another I'm gonna enjoy my meal,
          I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you.
          One way or another I'm gonna eat a pickle,
          I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you.
          It feels like I'm constantly enjoying,
          'Cause I can't compete with your world changer,
          He's got 6 colour.


I’m thinking about rereading my own books again and comment on them myself, giving comments on the jokes or the thoughts behind it, what a song means to me. Etc etc. 
          I’m just scared it will ruin it for the reader, so what do you guys think? 
          Would it ruin it if I’d comment on my own book? Please let me know♥️


@GeminiD3V1L i mean it wouldnt really matter would it? Its your book if it doenst work u can always delete the comments.


this message may be offensive
@Louissmolshit but would it ruin it? Bc than I won’t do it but otherwise… i really had some shit going on in my mind while reading it last time XD


@GeminiD3V1L it would be cool to know what u were thinking while writing it. But its they're your books so your choice. Do what u want.


I’m looking for a beta reader to help me write a story I’m working on. 
          If you don’t know what a beta reader is:
          It would mean that you would read chapters and give me feedback, I could ask you questions about the scenes and the characters. 
          Questions could be things like: How do you feel about this scene? Do you like the behavior of this character or does it irritate you? When did you feel like you were catching onto what what’s going on? Anything like that. 
          If you’re interested and want to know more, let me know. 
          It would really help me a lot♥️
          All the love -A


I would love to help out! You can message me if you need it 


          Okay Imma have a little bit of a rant. 
          So I was dating this guy (not long or anything, we were in the beginning stage.)
          But like, I’m not mentally stable enough to have a relationship and my problems (headaches and depression) got worse. So I knew I needed to cut it off. 
          But let me tell you. This dude is the sweetest soul ever. He always asks if I’m okay or if it’s okay if he does something etc. He’s really caring and just a sweetheart. 
          He was head over heals for me. While I barely felt something… 
          So I was gonna text him, to ask if we could talk and all. And I thought I had send it already, (but I hadn’t) so when he called me I picked up bc I thought he wanted to talk about the text. THE TEXT I HADNT SEND YET. 
          So I had to tell him right then and there. And we agreed to do it face to face (the real break up part) and so today we agreed to meet… 
          I just broke his heart and he said I didn’t have to apologize. He was so calm about it and I could tell he was at the verge of tears sometimes and even worse is the fact that he told me had cried at night a few times after that call. 
          I feel like a horrible person but I’m also proud that I did this. I told him to his face and not through a text. This was so hard to do but I did it and I’m proud of it. 
          So now we agreed to stay friends and it all went pretty smooth. We even joked around a bit and laughed together. 
          So yeah, I kinda needed to get that of my chest :)


Soo… I just spend half of my afternoon making my spotify all aesthetic (for me at least) and now I just realized I did it for absolutely nothing. So if you’re interested, there is a link in my bio! *thumbs up*
          Have a nice day and if you need someone to talk to, send me a private message or DM me. My insta@ is the same as on wattpad. I’m bored and I wouldn’t mind helping someone out atm♥️


I’ve noticed that    ,     and  ,  have been receiving the most votes and comments. 
          Luckily I’m currently writing a lot on the first two. Lately I’ve been either writing ITAT or TKOY and I’m glad to know you like them too. 
          I posted a few chapters of ITAT (   ) in the book on request of someone. If you were interested in the story please read it and give me your opinion. I do have to warn you that the main character might seem a little harsh sometimes but I will tell you right now, it’s because of her rough past/childhood. 
          I’m sorry for all these notifications btw. I never post this much here but right now I kinda want to make a little plan for myself so I know what to focus on so I can finally finish and publish a story again. 
          I hope you’re going to like it when the next book finally gets published. I can’t tell you when it will be but I hope soon. 
          Love -A


Oh great. He skipped the names of the books. 
            What should have been standing there is: 
            In the air tonight 
            The knights of Ymora 
            Good boy, gone bad


I just posted a book with stories I’m working on. It would mean a lot to me if you’d take a look and give me your opinion. 
          It includes some prologues and character info, but a description for every single book. 
          Let me know what your favorites are and why♥️
          Love -A


@Louisun82 let me know what you think about it♥️


@GeminiD3V1L im gonna go read rn, I'm sure its great :D


this message may be offensive
@GeminiD3V1L shit sorry capslock was still on


Okay so I’ve been thinking about this for months and I’m still not sure wether to do it or not so I’m just gonna ask you guys. 
          As I said I’ve been working on a lot of stories, but I haven’t finished any of them. Some are never gonna be finished because they’re simply not that good. 
          But I do have some that I want to finish. The only problem is I’m not sure which one to finish first which causes me to switch writing every now and then and that results in never updating a full book. 
          I wanted to ask if you would be interested in reading what I’m working on and tell me which ones have your interest. 
          It will be short introductions and maybe a prologue or something to get a feeling of the book. No spoilers or anything just the basics to know what it’s about. 
          Let me know if you’d like this or not♥️
          Love -A


@MileenW I just posted a new book for it, let me know what you think♥️


Omg yess, I would love that! 