
Multiple chapters of Savored Taste have been released. I’m planning to finish the story this Summer so stay tuned! Please keep in mind that im also a busy person but I really appreciate all the comments and votes on my stories! It helps me enjoy writing and reading on this app! ⭐️


Heyyyy luvvv , just popping in on you to see how you’re doing . I hope you have a great dayyyy ❤️


Awww noo, I’m sorry to hear that . I hope you find something to reignite your spark :) . I think you have a great style and a real talent on here . 
            Thank you for risking it even though you’re not supposed to be using this app . I’m grateful you have shared your talents with all of us ❤️ . I hope I’m able to see you again on here 


I’m doing good and I hope you are too! I just haven’t been posting much since I kind of lost motivation. I’m also trying to hide my account from my little sister (I’m not supposed to be writing BxB stories and I’m not supposed to be on this app). 


Hey guys! I’m so sorry for slow updates on ‘Savored Taste’. I’m trying really hard to update it weekly, but I’ve been really busy. I’ve also been struggling to find the motivation to post and have been focusing more on my own life and extracurriculars. So for now, I won’t be posting for a little while (maybe a week or two). During those weeks, I will try to edit and write a bunch of chapters to mass-upload. 
          So sorry and thank you so much for your support!


Focus on urself ! I’m rlly enjoying Savored Taste and it’s totally okay if u need a little break <3


Take all the time you need!! 