
What’s up Lunatics! 
          	So uhh…. I might have finished all of my story chapters and create a new chapters late since I’m now focusing on my course and study at the same time to pull up the lower grades I have in the Prelims. 


And can you you make yuuki have a belly button fetish I know it’s weird but hear me out you know how yuuki get a reward for every time he does good right so make that his reward he likes girls belly buttons but don’t make him a pervert and also make him have a traumatic past with his powers


Hey do you think you can make what if yuuki from chained soldier had bendy powers from bendy and the dark revival and make him I know this is weird what I’m about to say but hear me out you know when he gets his reward right so make him have a belly button fetish he likes girls belly buttons but it’s part of his character his not a pervert but he hides it 


It’s fine take your time don’t rush I just want to give you new what if ideas 


That… let me think about it if that’s okay?


So which one of my what if’s well you make first 