
I'm still awkward, but I think I know how to make dialogue feel more natural now ^-^


I have come to the conclusion that school has had a wayyy bigger impact on my mental health than I thought it did, and that deadlines are my worst enemy. I'm going to continue revising old chapters (because I can't help but cringe at them now), and I'll get to writing new ones when I find a decent break between homework assignments. No more promises, but I have found someone to motivate/inspire me. Hoping for the best :]
          And thank you all for sticking with me through the years; it means more than I could possibly ever express <3


My goal is to get revisions and at least one chapter published before midterms begin. I think I'll have to use the small break we get next week to get more work done. I definitely should've started writing again while I still had a lot of free time, but it's at least better for me to try than to give up completely :D


I'm not certain if anyone (besides one specific person) still cares, but I'm back! I'll start writing and releasing the last few parts of my ZelkPVP story after I finish revising the old ones. The final work won't be very long, but it'll hopefully at least be adequate. See you all soon <3


@Starr4f1ffo I've been feeling much better recently, which is both a good and a bad thing for my writing. I have way less free time, but I'm actually motivated for once! If people still care about my funny little story, then ofc I'll finish :D (and honestly, as long as what you're saying is comprehensible, I don't think the typos matter too much)


@LunarAngel_ i've got no auto corrdct on here so


 @LunarAngel_  5yats great man !:D i"'m supprised youre still finish8n g this if zi'm h9nest but you get that grind (or some th ing i suppsoe)


I lost my motivation and I don't know where it went. How is it possible that time is simultaneously dragging and slipping away? This is exactly what I promised myself I wouldn't become 2 years ago when I first started really getting into writing. Idk what to do anymore


@LunarAngel_ take some time for yourself then >:D


          A lot of stuff has been happening since school is about to start for me, and I've barely even had time to read and manage my time, much less write and edit recently. I am so sorry, and I promise that I'll try to get a chapter out very soon, possibly even updating back-to-back in order to make up for lost time. Again, I'm really sorry :(


@LunarAngel_ don't worry! There's no need to pressure yourself just take your time! :D