
If you’re discontinuing ‘I need safe’ would it be possible for me to continue the stry for you. I’d credit your work and say that you originally started the fanfic, but it has so much potential for future chapters and I believe that I could possibly continue, with your permission of course.


@Rjjoson5 i know im about 2 years too late, but i would say that if you really wanted to, rewrite it completely. Completely different. Not that im worried about some stupid story being "stolen" or whatever, but the story i wrote at 13 is a disgustingly written glorification of the effects of abuse. The premise of the story such as "Eren was kidnapped, now he's escaped, here's what follows" is not a bad one, and has amazing possibilities and has been done over and over wonderfully by many different writers. But the way my fic handled the topic was not only insensitive at best but horribly misguided and like i said, disgustingly glorifying at worst.
            If you want to write that story in a way that maturely handles the heavy topics of such abuse, please make sure you do it from a place of research, and not so horrifyingly negligent and ignorant.