
To all my poor Ghost Hunt fans, the reason 'Out of Hand' is being reposted is because Wattpad took it down for not being rated Mature when it should have had. So I fixed the rating and am just putting it back up. Sorry for the inconvenience.


@LoweFantasy wattpad is just dumb


I entered 'Star Side' and 'Mimi's Demons' into the Watty's. Yaaaaay. I never have high expectations for myself when I enter contests, but I also can't do nothing. Fear never did one any good. If you're up to it, please share the stories around on your social media. I'd...I'd really, really, really appreciate it. Honestly.


So, I had an incorrect idea of what makes a story rated M so I need ya'll to let me know if Star Side should be rated M. Mostly it was my horror stories that Wattpad dinged me for because, you know, HORROR. I fix I fix, and I deeply apologize.


I wish I'd waited to make my pen name. LoweFantasy for fanfictions and T.S. Lowe for books are so BORING. Something like...bythespeedofmango. Or juicythighs. Or religiouspika.


@LoweFantasy Lol, that's me with wanting to redo my room


@otaku84 Lowe was my maiden name. I wish I was a hardware store. Then I'd have everything I need to fix up my house. And a rep, yo, fo shizzle.


Lowes the hardware store?


Hello idk how my comment got removed but this is the reply back sorry. how old are duke, Owen and Serena? And is it possible u could add some character aesthetics(a bunch of pictures as a collage with the characters personalty, most of them don’t contain photos of the characters) something like that, usually authors for wattpads add them or even books and post them on so Ila media and can be found on Pinterest


@rave_r21 Ugh....How old are they? How old do they sound? They're not, like, middle aged, but they ain't spry twenty-year-olds either? And making a collage of pictures requires efforts I could put forth writing stories.


My dear author, 
                          I love your novel, 'Mimi's Demons'. however, do you have an instagram account? I want to post fanworks and tag you. 
          Please, pretty pleaseeeeeeee~~


@mingh2005 I do have an instagram. It's under dragirlian. But I mostly just use it to look up art tutorials and what no, its by no means my official author instagram. I don't really have social media accounts.


Made a Gofundme for my husband because I smooshed his car during the move. -.- And we are already neck deep for our run down house, a new roof for said house, new windows, and inevitably new floors, aaaand, yeah, it's not safe for him to drive around like he is with it. It's a normal 4-door sedan held together with duct tape and a ratchet strap and being used as a pickup.
          But I'm cool if you ignore it because I'm not a charity case, half of you are teenagers with no income, and to others I'm just the entertainment slave. But I thought I'd give it a go because I'm worried about his safety.


I'm working on the income part slowly... Gurl you got a real talent with that gaping hole. I wanted to help, I also remembered so far my transactions for the last year are negative so until I rectify that, I'm watching pesky outgoings. When I'm making the big bucks, I hope I can contribute how I wish, where I wish


I'm here! I have internet! My house is old and only semi-functional, but I am beast and remember that my ancestors lived out of wells and candles! Only thing I can't be positive about right now are the mosquitos. They love me. I swell up like mad. When I get my writing computer set up again I'll be starting a new book for you lot. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of Mimi's Demons!


@ LoweFantasy  XD


@Cakie009 Not even Europe is safe! My dad makes that place sound like a haven. *rolls eyes* like dude, when things go down the toilet, it won't matter where you live, but who you live by.


@FalcaWing You're equating yourself to a mosquito. I take it you've never paid for any of my stories. XD Well, I put myself out there.


Hey is it just me or is your new chapter not loading 


@littlebitch24683 Sorry, I accidentally hit publish instead of schedule. That was my bad. You wouldn't have wanted to read it any way without the previous chapters before it. Many apologies.


@littlebitch24683 It's not showing for me either, I was already getting a heart attack thinking the book was removed by wattpad, but thankfully it's just the chapter not loading (sigh of relieve). Maybe it was posted too soon or by mistake? I'm sure it will show later.


My name is Dave Charles I am an expert in digital marketing and website designing with vast year's of experience. I am here to help if in need of logo design, flyer, leads generation, website design, google ad, store design and Jotform.


@DaveCharles03 Ah! Well, good job at being proactive. I suggest privately messaging authors instead, though. You'll look like a spam bot posting on their walls. Though advertising is just hard in general. Unfortunately, I do my own covers. I've studied digital design and book design and I paint as a hobby so it worked out for me. Thanks for offering.


I am looking for book authors that will be interested in my service 


@LoweFantasy am so sorry for not asking before I do so 