
For the first time in my life, I’ve finished writing a novel I’ve started. So many ideas and books started but this one, she’s the only one I’ve had the most faith in and the most fun writing. Excited to start the editing process for it :D


For the first time in my life, I’ve finished writing a novel I’ve started. So many ideas and books started but this one, she’s the only one I’ve had the most faith in and the most fun writing. Excited to start the editing process for it :D


Just posted Chapter 2 of Stone Cold so readers could get to see everything from another perspective. I’m planning for the story to have 3 main POVs that alternate between chapters. Lemme know how you guys like it or if you hate it lol constructive criticism is welcomed ☺️


Posting the first chapter to Stone Cold, to see the reception it gets. I would appreciate any constructive criticism, please. I’ve never written something like this before and I don’t know if the portrayal of ‘shock’ is correct? But please don’t hesitate to comment, like, or share if you like it


I’ve sent a few of my chapters to a few people that I trust to read it and tell me if it’s actually worthwhile and offer a bit of constructive criticism and they liked it. People actually like my book and it’s giving me a lot of newfound energy for it. 
          So, in 2020, a new book should be making an appearance on here 


I’ve been working on a new book, one that I’ve been putting my everything into and even have a journal documenting everything for it, and today I finished a chapter I’d been stuck on for weeks because it’s from the POV of a male which I’ve never done and a detective on top of that. Almost started crying because I was so happy :) I hope to be comfortable enough to be able to publish it on here one day.