
Finally managed to get back into my account after unsuccessfully going through the help email for wattpad.. 
          	How is everyone?


Hello all,
          Sorry it's been so long. I just wanted to update you all, and let you know that I will be unpiblishing DoTD soon so I can start the process of maybe re-writing it. 
          It's gotten pretty far at 50k reads and I am so very proud and thankful to you all, but I think it's finally time. I'm so excited and I am looking forward to seeing where this takes us on this Faetastical journey to Themora (yes, the whole fae realm finally got a decent name, just one of the changes). 


@Louise_Fyre is there a next book of DOTD?


@AuraIllusions I'm not 100% sure yet, but it's a possibility 


@Louise_Fyre Hi Louise! Hope you're doing well! I'm excited for this, do you know if you'll be uploading the edited version later on? 


Just a small warning to people reading dance of the damned and were also interested in Darkefyre, I'm currently trying to deal with a possible plagiarism problem of my work. 
          So please be patient with me. I don't know how long it will take, because it's a fairly well known author, and I just want to know if it's a coincidence or not. 
          I don't know if @Wattpad offers any protection for stuff against this if you're a smaller writer on here, and I am shaking because both of my works are like my children. 


Just wanted to put up a proper update for those of you who are still here.  :) 
          Firstly, I have unpublished "The girl with the golden sword". Theres a few reasons for this, but mostly because I feel like I can't do it justice at the moment and now is not the right time.
          Secondly, I plan on re writing DoTD properly at some point, but in order to do that I need to find some beta readers willing to answer my questions I have regarding a few things. I also have plans to make a compendium/companion book that will extensively cover world building, history; art and costume. 
          Lastly, I will continue to write AEOSAB (an empire of snow and bone) but the format might change in order to better fit my vision for it. I will also probably turn the first few chapters I have already into a short story prequel. 
          I hope this update finds you well, and please do keep watching this space. 


Hi, you have some really cool books on your profile! Could you take time out of your busy schedule to check out some of mine, I've been helped by a friend, @Viking776 , who has helped me make some epic covers, he has a coverhsop that might be benefitial to you!


@Greenfire9 thank you, I'll be happy to take a look  :) 


Hi fellow writers I have a nagging question that is really bothering me. 
          Lately I've had a lot of people add DoTD to lists titled "to be completed" or "read when finished" even though its currently done.  (Albeit 1st draft)
          What does it mean? Are they waiting for a rewrite, the sequel or are they expecting me to do a complete overhaul? 


@DestinyDecoded that's ok, I was just wondering about it.   :) 


@Louise_Fyre I deleted a list similar to that by mistake so I currently don't have it, but I also used to add books that I wanted to read but at a later time to the list. That may be the reason. Like if my library is too cluttered i would do that...


@AuraIllusions I'll see what I can do. I have said that I do want to do a re write and an edit at some point, but that's going to be a long wait because of my fulltime job at the moment, I just don't really have the time to sit and do it properly.  


Great news, I have compiled official playlists for each Order of Wolves character, I might add more if I feel inclined to. But heres the lists so far:
          Rhialla: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7t1ruRRJnxGEy4mNwJj5ty?si=Lfkz_8uSQSSdCCSibNhRWQ
          Feel free to have a listen and let me know what you think about the character playlists so far.  :)