
Hey everyone, next chapter of Thales is up! Apologies for the delay, I've been in a bit of a writing slump the past few months, so it's taken longer than planned to write xx


HI everyone - it's been a long time, I took a veeeeery long break from Wattpad while I was completing my studies. I've finally returned though, and with it a refresh of my account, including a new story which I started during my masters and am very much committed to finishing! Chapter 1 is already up and waiting for you, but I don't currently have a schedule for future chapters so posting will be inconsistent for a while. If you're on instagram by the way, come say hi! I'm franfranlostinhominum over there these days and there'll be more content coming there soon, too!


Hey everyone, thank you for your patience while waiting for chapter 17 of Aunt Samantha's. I had hoped to publish it on Saturday, however some editing was needed and so I've had to delay publishing it - but should definitely be up today so keep an eye out :D. Kath xoxo