
just bought taco bell at 3 am and i told them to leave it at the doorstep and not to ring the doorbell.. why am i 18 and this is my most rebellious act -_-‘


Just put my sexuality in my bio for the first time ever and I’m kinda nervous abt it lmao


@salutlesbros this means a lot to me thank you 


@ Lost_In_My_Blood  I'm proud of you <3 


this message may be offensive
I’ve had a shit couple months and a shit day. First I lost the class officer elections for senior v-p to a guy who was already v-p last year, found out John Mulaney is filing for divorce, I have finals this week and next, and I’m currently crying over Jess Mariano and how much I need him... I’m so fucking done with 2021 


@Pentalizzie aw thanks for voting, even tho I didn’t win that means a lot. Having the same people win over and over is extremely infuriating. And John filing for divorce is so sad I can’t even deal with it 


@Lost_In_My_Blood same...also sorry you didn’t win vp this year (I voted for u btw and was really hoping you’d win) ☹️...it’s usually always the same people who end up as the officers...also didn’t know John Mulaney is filing for a divorce that’s depressing 