
I'm so sorry, guys. I just realized I didn't publish the first  2 chapters of my story. (¯∇¯٥) I thought when I hit 'publish', it posted the whole thing, when I just published the last chapter. Aahhh! Again, I'm so sorry. (o;TωT)o
          	Here's the link again. Please excuse me for the many announcements. 


Hi can you drop the discord link again please  I couldn’t find it 


@GkxKakashi I'll post it on your profile. 


@GkxKakashi ok cool. Are you over 16 though? I just want to confirm. 


I'm so sorry, guys. I just realized I didn't publish the first  2 chapters of my story. (¯∇¯٥) I thought when I hit 'publish', it posted the whole thing, when I just published the last chapter. Aahhh! Again, I'm so sorry. (o;TωT)o
          Here's the link again. Please excuse me for the many announcements. 


Hi everyone! I have a new story that I hope you like. Here it is: 
          As a side note, I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated any of my other stories. I've just been overwhelmed with work or other things I had going on in my life that I had to dedicate mental space to. But all of the other life stuff is finished, so I have more free time to write again. I'm feeling a lot better and I'm hoping to dive into the next chapter update for Master Thief. Or if not, then I will write a new story or continue StarCrossed. I want to try and post at least one new thing here once a month? We'll see... I'll do my best! o(*>ω<*)o
          Also, I want to say to anyone who reads my stories, thank you so much! ٩( ˘ ³˘)۶♥ I really appreciate and love all of you. And thank you to those who leave comments. I'm sorry I don't reply as much anymore, but I make sure to them when I can. I love all of your comments, especially the ones about Obito's ass. haha! You guys are so amazing and sweet. And some of you are super hilarious lol
          Again, thank you so much for reading my stories. I hope to make many more kakaobi stories, which I hope you all will enjoy as well. ٩(•ᴗ•)۶❤❤


@Lordpikachu2003 YEYYYY
            I will be waiting as long as needed. JUST LIKE HOW HUA CHENG DID FOR XIE LIAN☺️ (Heaven's official blessing reference)


@Obitosnroneslut aww you're so sweet! o(*>ω<*)o I am definitely continuing it, just not sure when


@t1r3dl0rd (◍ ´꒳` ◍)❤️❤️


I rlly like ur story master thief makes me think about my life a lil bit I'm totally a criminal who fell in love with the officer who arrested me now we live together and have 3 kids time flies doesn't it I would be happy to tell you the story and u can even make a new book about it it would be so exciting 


@336allmighty Hello there! I'm happy to hear you like my story. And I must decline, I don't take story suggestions since I like to focus on my own. But I support you to write your story yourself. ٩(•ᴗ•)۶❤


I rlly like ur story master thief makes me think about my life a lil bit I'm totally a criminal who fell in love with the officer who arrested me now we live together and have 3 kids time flies doesn't it I would be happy to tell you the story and u can even make a new book about it it would be so exciting 


I hope the star-crossed story will continueI literally love it and I'm thinking of reading it for the 4th time


@Obitosnroneslut  Then I shall wait for it.  


@Obitosnroneslut oh yes, that one will defintely continue. Just not sure when. _(ᅙωᅙ๑_ )_