
In case you were waiting on an update for my story The Elementals (let's be honest, you weren't) it's not coming. It's deleted. I wasn't feeling it and I got tired of  the constant writer's block. Maybe I'll pick it back up; maybe I won't. I DO have another story in the works and to make sure you guys won't be disappointed (let's be honest, you aren't this time) I plan to have most if not all written before I upload to Wattpad. Wow, that was long. Anyway, I'll try to be more proactive in reading and commenting, and if I'm not and you want me to, give me a nudge. Make that a push. Thank you and good night ☺


In case you were waiting on an update for my story The Elementals (let's be honest, you weren't) it's not coming. It's deleted. I wasn't feeling it and I got tired of  the constant writer's block. Maybe I'll pick it back up; maybe I won't. I DO have another story in the works and to make sure you guys won't be disappointed (let's be honest, you aren't this time) I plan to have most if not all written before I upload to Wattpad. Wow, that was long. Anyway, I'll try to be more proactive in reading and commenting, and if I'm not and you want me to, give me a nudge. Make that a push. Thank you and good night ☺


I'm sorry I haven't been active; I have no legit excuse, I'm just lazy. I promise to be more involved. Reading, commenting, voting, all that jazz. Don't be afraid to message me and tell me to read your book. Thank you for being awesome people!


Sorry I haven't been very active on Wattpad lately. I am trying to catch up on stories that have been sitting in my library lol. Just know that I will get to reading and commenting. If you want me to read a specific story, give me a nudge.