
Hello everyone, I know it's been ages since you last heard from me.
          	( if you're wondering,I had a problem  accessing  this account for a very long time, and due to a lot of things going on I ended up forgetting about this account since I've been mostly on my original account, good news is I've resetted some stuff so I'm now able to use this account once again)


@Lord-Ainz it's good to see you man and I understand you needed a break from here and we all care about you and we all are gonna still by you


Hello everyone, I know it's been ages since you last heard from me.
          ( if you're wondering,I had a problem  accessing  this account for a very long time, and due to a lot of things going on I ended up forgetting about this account since I've been mostly on my original account, good news is I've resetted some stuff so I'm now able to use this account once again)


@Lord-Ainz it's good to see you man and I understand you needed a break from here and we all care about you and we all are gonna still by you


Hello everyone,  I haven't been around for some time due to some things I had to take care of.
          Well I'm back.
          All those who made dare request I'll work on them soon and try to post as soon as possible. Though I won't rush into posting because I want to make it the best I can for you all to enjoy.
          I'm around now if you need me.


Yep take your time @Lord-Ainz 


Great......*face palms*........I've just been tagged by one of them.........*sigh*......... who else got tagged?


@Harelow17 I wonder how this all came about! Just hope I don't get tagged again.


@Lord-Ainz lovely; just lovely


@Harelow17 I recently discovered  they're sex bots.


Greeting everyone. It's  been a while, hasn't it?
          I have an announcement to make.
          I've been checking other accounts and it seems there are strange users tagging people
          requesting  them about virtual sex. If you come across such people or have been tagged by them block/report them!! And warn others about this too!