
Got logged out of my account and watt pad wouldn't let me back in:') but I'm back!


          so very sorry for the long wait my birthday was a day ago and I got a new phone & tablet! I had get a ton of things on my new phone and that took awhile. And yes I did get grounded for multiple weeks:^ don't ask... okay I was caught sneaking out(with Wolfe but somehow that bish got away with it) and I got grounded. I will try to get a new chapter up soon, again, sorry for the long wait!
           Love you!


   I'm back! :]
              I am so very sorry for the long wait! My dad took my phone because of my grades, So I didn't get any writing on the book. EXCEPT, I have made a ton of notes and have been preparing for writing it! And my school gave us a three day weekend so I have extra time to write:)). I will try to post the story ASAP just for you guys. Once again sorry for the wait, I'm so thankful thar you guys were so patient!
                  Love you guys!


Sorry but I'm gonna have to skip this weeks chapter update. This week and next week I will be taking some beginning exams were they test your knowledge before the first six weeks of school! Therefore I have to take some time off to study I will try to post a chapter if not one I might post two! I also am working on a Halloween special book but its not The Little Vampire, its gonna be a Coraline book! I really hope you will like the new book. With that said, I hope to see you next week!
                 Love you!