
Hey everyone, it’s been a minute. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, I lost my desire to really write any stories after some pretty nasty comments I received on here and it really took away any creativity I had left. I’m trying to get back to it, but it’s been so hard with how negative some people have been. I’m slowly trying to get back into it, but it’s been really rough for me mentally lately and I just have been exhausted. I’ll try to pull something together for some of my more popular pieces on here but I can’t say an exact date for pushing these out.
          	Thank you for your time and patience.


@Lolita_Friday completely here for you take your time,, writing will always be here is something i’ve learned 


@alittlebitbias I really appreciate that. It’s just been a real whirlwind lately and I haven’t even begun to figure much of anything out yet, but I’m trying to get myself back in order.


i’m so sorry you’ve been receiving such negative comments… i hate that people feel the need on a site like here where we write our hearts out for nothing in return. i’m here for you if you need anything i’ve struggled on and off with lots of mental issues so i understand. take your time love 


Hey everyone, it’s been a minute. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, I lost my desire to really write any stories after some pretty nasty comments I received on here and it really took away any creativity I had left. I’m trying to get back to it, but it’s been so hard with how negative some people have been. I’m slowly trying to get back into it, but it’s been really rough for me mentally lately and I just have been exhausted. I’ll try to pull something together for some of my more popular pieces on here but I can’t say an exact date for pushing these out.
          Thank you for your time and patience.


@Lolita_Friday completely here for you take your time,, writing will always be here is something i’ve learned 


@alittlebitbias I really appreciate that. It’s just been a real whirlwind lately and I haven’t even begun to figure much of anything out yet, but I’m trying to get myself back in order.


i’m so sorry you’ve been receiving such negative comments… i hate that people feel the need on a site like here where we write our hearts out for nothing in return. i’m here for you if you need anything i’ve struggled on and off with lots of mental issues so i understand. take your time love 


Hey!! Just wanted to ask if you would write “you are mine” to the end? It’s already in my list, but I never start a story before it’s ended  I read way to much and otherwise I confuse story’s with each other.. but this one sounds so good.. so I hope  


I think you mean She is Mine? To which that story is under editing and not close to ending yet.


          My tax return was accepted so I’ll finally get my stimulus checks!
          My surgery is healing really well! My doctor said there’s a chance my scars will be like 10% noticeable which makes me super happy since I was really worried about having more.
          I have an ongoing bet with a friend right now and my challenge is I have to write a smutty story about Eddie Gluskin (Outlast: Whistleblower)
          My dog also just past away a few days ago and I’m not really processing it since I’ve had him since I was like 7.
          All in all, there’s been a lot of ups and downs but I’m so thankful I’ve reconnected with old friends and made new ones all the way.
          Thank you all so much for being supportive and patient with me. I can’t express how much it’s meant to me over the course of these difficult periods.


I did my tax return today and I’m so excited. That money is going to help pay for my surgery bill.
          My work opened back up but my boss is leaving me out til I’m healed enough to work again, as of right now it looks like March 5th will be my final day of taking it easy. I’ll try to post more updates on my Instagram the following few weeks. My stitches are going to be removed Feb 11th so I’m really looking forward to that, since that’s pretty much my half way mark.
          If I don’t get around to it, Feb 12th HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!! Feb 14th HAPPY VALENTINES DAY


wishing you a speedy recovery!! and hopefully everything goes well with you and esp bills ik the stress <3 


Hey everyone, I just got out of surgery so all my books are on hold right now. I’ve got about six weeks of downtime so that’s why I won’t be around for a bit. Thank you for understanding 


@alittlebitbias I have six months of downtime but I won’t be fully healed and able to move until about three months and even then it’ll take another 3-4 months for everything to be okay 


@Lolita_Friday that’s good! when i had my surgery i couldn’t get around for months so i know the struggle,, just take your time and relax (: 


@alittlebitbias thanks, I’m doing okay today, and it’s much easier to move around. I’ll try to see if I can do updates but for now I’m trying to take it easy