
Y’all! I HONESTLY don’t know how to process what happened the other day! 
          	I was talking to one of my guy co-workers and since we both are in school we were talking about that (who knows why honestly) but anyways I look over and see one of the guy co-workers full on staring at me! 
          	(Mind you me and this guy have been making quite a lot of eye contact through out the days he works, but we never talk) and since we made eye contact I honestly didn’t look away either until he did first! But I don’t know what that means or if he honestly was looking past me! :( 
          	(This has NEVER happened to me before and I don’t know how to take it)


Y’all! I HONESTLY don’t know how to process what happened the other day! 
          I was talking to one of my guy co-workers and since we both are in school we were talking about that (who knows why honestly) but anyways I look over and see one of the guy co-workers full on staring at me! 
          (Mind you me and this guy have been making quite a lot of eye contact through out the days he works, but we never talk) and since we made eye contact I honestly didn’t look away either until he did first! But I don’t know what that means or if he honestly was looking past me! :( 
          (This has NEVER happened to me before and I don’t know how to take it)


@Trashstarr I mean~... considering that masks are unfortunately a thing I haven’t really seen it their face too much but I have a couple of times; granted they have never seen my face; but they look cute. But I honestly don’t know if I do; we look at each other a lot and everything but never talk so I don’t know! (Cites in the corner over confusion)


Ok so is anyone else having this problem? 
          We’re you’ll be reading a book and you leave to do something else and you come back and it’ll say “start reading” and you have to remember we’re you've left off?


@itsNova101 Oh ok, so it’s not just me thats having the issue, I was wondering if it was just me; I wish they would fix I though