
WOW, it has almost been two years and a lot has changed for me. So to anyone still here (lol) I just thought I'd share that I officially released a song this last January of 2022! I'm still writing, so much is still in progress and on the way. (I'll post a link at the bottom)
          	I probably won't be active on here much, but, I see that my poetry book is still being found; so to anyone curious, I'm alive and well. In the last two years I successfully lost myself, wrestled with God and compromised my values, reaching the deepest lows of my life. But, to cut a long story short, in the last eight months I left a girl that I loved for God, started to make powerful choices in my life, and started my second year at ministry school more free than ever. 
          	I can currently say that I never thought my life would look like so many contradictions and plot twists. But, if anything God has been the only constant. It's been crazy, I've had to really wrestle with my beliefs and make hard choices for what I believe is right. But, I think that's life for all of us. 
          	Anyway, here's an update no one asked for, but I thought I'd say hello just in case anyone was wondering. If you'd like to, feel free to check out my song below! (It's available on all platforms!)


WOW, it has almost been two years and a lot has changed for me. So to anyone still here (lol) I just thought I'd share that I officially released a song this last January of 2022! I'm still writing, so much is still in progress and on the way. (I'll post a link at the bottom)
          I probably won't be active on here much, but, I see that my poetry book is still being found; so to anyone curious, I'm alive and well. In the last two years I successfully lost myself, wrestled with God and compromised my values, reaching the deepest lows of my life. But, to cut a long story short, in the last eight months I left a girl that I loved for God, started to make powerful choices in my life, and started my second year at ministry school more free than ever. 
          I can currently say that I never thought my life would look like so many contradictions and plot twists. But, if anything God has been the only constant. It's been crazy, I've had to really wrestle with my beliefs and make hard choices for what I believe is right. But, I think that's life for all of us. 
          Anyway, here's an update no one asked for, but I thought I'd say hello just in case anyone was wondering. If you'd like to, feel free to check out my song below! (It's available on all platforms!)


SIGNING OFF (for a time) 
          Hey everyone, just want to announce that I will be signing off my Wattpad account for a time to focus on work, publishing my poetry, and releasing music. This new step is really big for me and exciting because I have also been accepted into a school in California and will be moving down in the fall. 
          Since I will be paying my way, I've had to make a few important choices about what this next year will look as far as where I put my time. Unfortunately one of those choices included signing off of this account. But, have no doubt that I am continuing in my pursuit of poetry and writing, and do plan to join back into the Wattpad community soon! 
          I would love to stay connected, so in the meantime you can find me on social media platforms: @lizziebethjoy
          Wishing the best to you all and I will be back soon!
          ~ Lizzie <3


@LizzieBethJoy sending you best wishes. 


          ❝   life goes on. 
          and the wisest thing for you 
          to do is to go with it. ❞
                        it's like a never-ending series.
          you tend to fall down in every places.
          and end up having wounds everywhere.
          all the scars you earn in every episode
          is a reminder you carry to the next.
             you have enough stories on your
          skin to carry you forward.
          — every year you step into. 


Thank you for this message. I actually really needed to hear this ♥️


          I need to remind myself
          to stop
          and let the leaves just be leaves
          let the ocean just be the ocean
          and the sky just be the sky
          I can get so caught up in looking for the profound
          in the constant process
          of trying to wring out
          all of the universe's mysteries
          that I forget to enjoy life
          So for the evening
          I will set aside my pen and paper
          and let my life be the poetry
          I long to be satisfied by
          simple joy
          being the extent of my understanding 
          // just a thought from the last couple of days. Today I took my younger brothers to a sledding event with our church and had fun in the snow for the first time this year. I think I would like to bring in this new year by truly enjoying the beauty that is all around me instead of being stuck in a chamber of thoughts.  
          So to anyone else who may need this reminder; don't forget to pause and find joy in the sunrise, in the midday, and in the sunset. There is always beauty and wonder to find when we truly open our eyes :)


          To those of you who don’t know, music is a huge part of my life. I started playing 6 years ago after a incredible heart change at the age of 14 and haven’t stopped since. It has been one of the best outlets other than writing that really helped me through a lot of baggage and cluttered emotions.
          I believe music is audible for a reason, so I love to share what I have with whoever wants to hear. You can find me on Instagram as well as SoundCloud @lizziebethjoy. 
          Thank you for all the votes and follows this last week!


Hey Lizzie!!
          You're 20 and I'm 14 but still our hobbies match so much. I love reading and writing especially poetry, i play guitar and write songs and of course Love drawing!!❤


Cool! Age 14 was actually a really big turning point for me. That was the year I truly began chasing my dreams and learning who I was created to be. So it’s a great age to be at and it looks like you already have a head start. 
            Nice to meet you! :D


I read a couple of your poems and they’re so amazing and deep!


No worries and that sounds really interesting! Thanks for voting for my books btw


As someone who views writing as an extension of my souls understanding; this message is much appreciated. I am happy to know it is coming through. 
            Thank you!   