
So, I'm sorry to inform you, my lovely followers, that I will not be writing or active on wattpad much for a while. It could be weeks, it could be months. I am researching to become the Director of Marketing for RustiKraft, and also have school I really need to focus on. This is going to prevent me from updating on schedual, so I am just putting things on hold for now.
          	No worries, I will still continue to work on my stories, you just won't be able to see them for awhile.
          	As always, I love you all my little Poppies!
          	~Iris Redding


Thank you for the kind comment on Becoming Human and for taking the time to vote :) It really means a lot to me!


            Thank you! I myself love viewpoint and am really into photography too. I've played with both film and digital, and while film can be a hassle, I do love it for its nuances. 
            As for the reference, I had to make a tip to my inspiration. To be honest, I almost wrote a story with the premise of a weeping angel becoming human, but I decided it didn't fit where the story was going to go and so it needed to be it's own work.


@DoctorWhoFanatic77 It's not a problem! I'm really enjoying the story. It is unique in its vantage point and very well written. Being a photographer by hobbie, I find that the former is thrilling and exciting. You're doing a FANTASTIC job.
            And don't think I missed the reference about the show with the creepy angels :P


Your works are very interesting to read. Please continue writing. You capture Raven very well. 
          ~Have a nice day.~


@Xx_Raven_X Thank you so much!  That means a lot to me. I haven't stopped writing, though I haven't posted in an eternity. I have a long list of upcoming fanfictions I'm working on, so keep your eyes open!


So, I'm sorry to inform you, my lovely followers, that I will not be writing or active on wattpad much for a while. It could be weeks, it could be months. I am researching to become the Director of Marketing for RustiKraft, and also have school I really need to focus on. This is going to prevent me from updating on schedual, so I am just putting things on hold for now.
          No worries, I will still continue to work on my stories, you just won't be able to see them for awhile.
          As always, I love you all my little Poppies!
          ~Iris Redding