
New Blogpost on my Wordpress blog!
          	Poem + Short Story
          	Read it here:


Eeeeep! Another one of my pieces got published on This is the third time my work got featured and I still feel like I'm on cloud nine everytime I see my name on the byline.
          Here's an excerpt: 
          Intelligence is not only measured by how high one's grades are or how well someone does in class. True intelligence is knowing who you are and loving every part of you.  It is knowing your strengths, skills, and talents and using them for righteous deeds—being an inspiration or a role model to people or even making the world a better a place.
          I may not be smart with numbers, but I know one thing: we are all smart in our own ways. I am smart with words, and I use that gift wisely because I know that words have the power to either inspire people or destroy them.
          Read the full article here:


this message may be offensive
Hey my peeps!
          There’s a new segment on wordpress blog, it’s titled ‘Open Letter’. Open Letter is a category I created for all my missives to anyone and everyone. Haha lolz
          Here's an excerpt of my letter to 2016
          Dear 2016,
          I’m gonna lie if I say you were great because you weren’t. You were a pain in the ass, you were full of shit. You made me cry and laugh and cry and cry…but thanks.
          You made me stronger. I learned a lot from you. You made me realize that I am stronger than I think I am.
          If I would explain you in percentage I think you would be 40% great and 60% shitty.
          So here’s a letter–an overview of my bests and worst during your reign for the past year with all your shenanigans and surprises that not only left me shocked but the whole world. (Trump? Really?)
          Now hang in there because this is one hell of a letter.
          Wanna know how my 2016 went? Click the link below:


So I tried something new....I posted my first movie review on my blog!
          The movie I chose to write a review on is my favorite movie, a movie that holds a special place in my heart, Peter Pan (2003). I know this movie came out thirteen years ago but I want my first movie review to be something special and this movie is special to just gives me the feels, bro. DEMFEELS
          Check it out:
          Don't forget to rate and leave a reply! I'm open for suggestions to further  improve my writing. The night is still young, enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening Dreamers!


Yo! My peeps, my lovely dreamer readers, y'all still alive? I know I am! Haha!
          Sorry for not all. I am very, very, very busy with school work. Hey, university life isn't easy. I'm almost glad I'm still alive and breathing lol haha
          Anywaaaays, I'll update a chapter of Dramione: A Collection of Dramione One Shots as soon as I have free time (and when I'm in the mood). In the mean time, check out my blog on wordpress: and read my newest blogpost:
          The article was posted on last February 24, 2016. It is my first article posted on the website. So if you haven't read it yet and you're losing a sense of direction, still struggling to fit in society and meet its standards, need inspiration and motivation--click the link above and read.
          Enjoy! ^_^


I miss the days when I still have time to update my stories here in Wattpad
          I miss the days when I can still binge watch or watch a movie even on a school night
          I miss the days when I can still watch my favorite TV series on our TV
          I miss the days when I can still paint or do typographies even when my schedule seems tight
          I miss the days when I can still hangout with my family at the mall
          Gods, I miss the days when life was just easy