I'm an author of erotic romance, erotica and World War II historical women's fiction who lives near NYC, works in Manhattan, owns too many books, reads voraciously, and loves every form of the written word from literature, classics, drama, to genre fiction of any stripe and all non-fiction. Writing about writing? One of my favorite things! My vices are books and beer. My hobbies are cooking, gardening, reading, and watching nature and the animals from my reading chair in my yard. I was an actress and cabaret performer for 20 years, and now I'm a published author, a parental caretaker, and sister to a special needs baby brother. And I'm guardian to the dust bunnies in my house and the feral cats outside. You can easily distract me with debates on any subject and I love smart people who are curious and staunchly believe you can never hoard enough knowledge, even if it's the kind that's only useful on Jeopardy. Did I mention I talk way too much?
  • New York, New York
  • JoinedJuly 9, 2014