
this message may be offensive
*looks around and dips his head shy* hey everyone I’m alive I’m been so busy with school along with all this COVID-19 shit so yea I’ll hopefully be coming back on a lot more later but right now is basically impossible so yea bye guys I’ll get back to our rps (if I can find three still if I can’t tag me) and I’ll talk to you all again later. Bye guys love you


@Firestripe_Firestar Good. Standing for what's right.


Wtf? No. The second amendment says that we are allowed the right to bear arms. Pelosi, Kamala, and Biden are trying to get rid of that. It is going against our rights. Now I’m done talking about this so please stop.


this message may be offensive
*looks around and dips his head shy* hey everyone I’m alive I’m been so busy with school along with all this COVID-19 shit so yea I’ll hopefully be coming back on a lot more later but right now is basically impossible so yea bye guys I’ll get back to our rps (if I can find three still if I can’t tag me) and I’ll talk to you all again later. Bye guys love you


@Firestripe_Firestar Good. Standing for what's right.


Wtf? No. The second amendment says that we are allowed the right to bear arms. Pelosi, Kamala, and Biden are trying to get rid of that. It is going against our rights. Now I’m done talking about this so please stop.


Guys I’m so sorry that I haven’t been on a lot I’ve just been busy with school Andy haven’t had the time to get on. I might be on again for a bit but I’m still here


@Firestripe_Firestar Hey, you're good! I just came back today to visit


It’s okay. Glad you’re still here 


Pplz if you wanna rp pm me i don’t really care what it is and yes I’m ok with smut if you want to do that so pm me I’m so bored and in history class