
im not a fan 


Guys it me. lilly also stop being mean cause im actually i was actually busy with my videos i was never on my wattad because i was to busy doing some new videos for 2015 also i t a new one that coming june 21th i will love for you to listen really cleary what i said because i will say some funny things then at the then end  i will tell you that i have an watt pad page  i swear to god believe me my fans and stop calling me fake cause im not and  i will prove to you all.
          stop being mean and believe me also i have
          a lot of things to say when that video come out.
          i hope you see it!!
          love you my dearling fans


@Lilly-Singh I'm not trying to be rude but please learn how to spell and check your grammar. Again I'm not trying to be rude.