
Thank you, everyone, for reading my first book and all the kind words! I really appreciate it, and it blows me away how much you guys like it!
          	Life has gotten the best of me for a little while, so I got a little side tracked, but I am back at writing the second book and will be finished with the first draft next week for you guys. I will release the entire first draft of the book, so be watching for it, and thank you for your patience! 


@LilPixie07 hi there you posted this a yr ago. any chance of a 2nd book? 


@LilPixie07 just read the first book in under 5 hours. Its not 330am. And i need book 2 ya can leave me hanging. Lol.


@LilPixie07 hi. . I am just wondering if you have posted the 2nd book elsewhere or Maybe I missed it. 


I hope you are doing well. 
          I was wondering if you still plan to finish and post Wolves MC book #2. 
          You literally left me hanging on the edge of my seat at the end of Lily's Protector - Wolves MC so it would be wonderful if the amazing saga continued. 
          Take care, Rayne