
Hey my cherry blossoms...I dont think I'll be continuing any of my uta pri stories... I've lost all interest in the show and feel no desire to continue on with them. I am incredibly sorry.


@Lifeishardsometime I guess it's okay...


@Maya_Ani sorry if you were interested in reading them I know I said I'll continue them but I have lost complete intreast in everything to do with uta pri. If I regain my old love for the show I may continue on with them but for now it's highly unlikely. I'm sorry 


Hey my cherry blossoms...I dont think I'll be continuing any of my uta pri stories... I've lost all interest in the show and feel no desire to continue on with them. I am incredibly sorry.


@Lifeishardsometime I guess it's okay...


@Maya_Ani sorry if you were interested in reading them I know I said I'll continue them but I have lost complete intreast in everything to do with uta pri. If I regain my old love for the show I may continue on with them but for now it's highly unlikely. I'm sorry 


this message may be offensive
trigger waring: swaring so don't go kankri on me dude.
          dude i never expected people to read my stuff let alone like them when i posted syo and natsukis litty Lucy and Catherine and someone voted on it i was just there mouth agape thinking "holy shit dude!" so THANK CHU FOR READING MAH SHITZ