
I've uploaded Chapter 6 of Face the Music! Please check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks! :)


I lived in Minnesota for most of my life until my mom wanted to get away from the Snow. I love the cold though do I want to move back to St.Louis park or Minneapolis.(^^)(^^)(^^)


@levikyozero Yeah I love the cold.


I live in northern Minnesota so I know all about the snow  but it's so beautiful anyways. There's lots of cool stuff in Minneapolis. I'm not a city person, but it really is a great place!


thank for the follow .... read and comment on my poetry ... would love your feelings and emotions about my work and do leave a vote will definitely read yours and follow and vote


@ShinRyParker I look forward to checking out your work!


Hey, happy Wednesday, y'all! I finally fought off a very difficult case of writer's block, and I'm back on the weekly update wagon! Second chapter of Face the Music is now posted, and I'll be posting new chapters every week! I've been writing a lot lately, and I'm very happy with how it's turning out. I hope you take the time to check it out and to give me some feedback! Thanks!! :)