
Heyo guys good to see you again, I know that I said I wanted to start consistently updating my stories, but I ended up taking another fight. I won this time however I suffered a concussion and a couple of broken fingers, I’m fine though and the next chapter is almost done. That’s all from me for now, and I’ll see you guys soon ❤️


@ LiaHighkick  I hope you recover fast and congratulations for your Win 


Heyo guys good to see you again, I know that I said I wanted to start consistently updating my stories, but I ended up taking another fight. I won this time however I suffered a concussion and a couple of broken fingers, I’m fine though and the next chapter is almost done. That’s all from me for now, and I’ll see you guys soon ❤️


@ LiaHighkick  I hope you recover fast and congratulations for your Win 


Yo so I actually just started doing mma training for about a month now and am really enjoying it. Wanted to let you know because this book might've had something to do with it so thanks. 


That’s great to hear man and I hope it’s going good. I was hoping I could get at least one person into martial arts while writing this story and it made me happy to hear that you did 


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Sorry for yet another delay. As for why turns out the airport fucking broke my laptop, but I’ll be getting a new one this weekend and I already have a pretty good idea on the next few chapters