
@ForYouOnly No problem. It was a beautiful story. I have heard of this phobia before, but I never knew how serious it was. I think it's really sweet that Jasmine was able to help her with this. Also, I think it says a lot about how powerful support and love can be.


@SoCameraShy Honestly, I look forward to updates from you. Behind That Smile is just amazing. From the way its starting off already, I sincerely doubt that it will be dissapointing. And I still disagree about the publication of Behind Those Eyes. It would be EXTREMELY successful.


@LexiiLate There will be a third but at this point in time I'm taking a break from Nikki, Josh and Sam to concentrate on a new plot bunny (I'll still be posting Lies though as that's finished - at least this draft of it is).
            And epic? I wish!!!


@SoCameraShy No problem. Of course I support your books. Like I said before your work is amazing, add to that, you have kids to take care of? You. Are. Epic. You are a fantastic person to support. And woop woop to the new update!! And I just went to your profile to see there's a third book?!?! Woop woop woop!!!! I. Love. You.


Just another one to say how awesome you are. You've stuck by me through both books and are a fantastic supporter, thanks so much x