
Hi guys,
          	I've started the new one direction preferences. Check it out!
          	You can find them on my profile, it's called One Direction Preferences 2.0.
          	I will try to upload a few stories each week.
          	I really hope you like them!
          	Thank you so much for the support.❤


Hi guys,
          I've started the new one direction preferences. Check it out!
          You can find them on my profile, it's called One Direction Preferences 2.0.
          I will try to upload a few stories each week.
          I really hope you like them!
          Thank you so much for the support.❤


Hi guys,
          I have been away for a really long time, and I want to start writing again. So I have been thinking about rewriting the one direction preferences. I want to write them again, because I think some of them could be better.
          Let me know what you guys think.
          Thanks for reading my stories and your feedback on them.


Hi guys, 
          I know it has been a while since I last posted a story.. I have been so busy with school and stuff. But I am back now, and I am planning to post new preferences and new imagines off the boys. I am really looking forward to sharing my new ideas with you. Hope you like the new stories and you will keep reading them! 
          Thankyou guys a lot!
          Xx Rianne