
I'm gonna force myself to finish the bad ending for the hunt and get it published today. I already worked on it this morning and it's almost done...
          	I want that bitch done so badly and it's been bugging me for weeks now.
          	Anyways how are you all doing? 
          	Hopefully good...
          	Have a nice day/night!


I'm gonna force myself to finish the bad ending for the hunt and get it published today. I already worked on it this morning and it's almost done...
          I want that bitch done so badly and it's been bugging me for weeks now.
          Anyways how are you all doing? 
          Hopefully good...
          Have a nice day/night!


800 reads!
          Thank you guys so much!
          I've met some lovely people on here these past months and you all have shown me nothing but kindness and support. 
          You are amazing and have been a giant motivator to keep me going and improve my writing!
          So again, thank you all so much!
          Do you have any wishes or requests? 
          Mabye countries you'd like to see me write something with, an idea you'd like me to use, which story you'd like a part two to first, a specific type of oneshot you'd like me to write? 
          As I hear and see you lovely Internet strangers like the violent ones very much...
          (Why tho? What specifically makes those so good for you? The reactions of the person the pain is inflicted on or the thoughts of the person inflicting it or a mixture of both?) 
          Anyways this is getting too long again and I am starting to ramble... tell me if you'd specifically like to see something, or if I should just continue doing as I please...
          Also my six weeks summer break start next Thursday, so I'll have a lot of time to hopefully write a lot... if motivation allows me and doesn't take a break with my school.
          Have a nice day/night!


@ FakeCzech  alright I'll keep that in mind for next time!


@Leonie0055 Yeah I feel like both perspectives are needed for the violence to actually seem Interesting


@ FakeCzech  so the POV of the person inflicting the pain is better, but the the others perspective is needed so that it can actually be interesting? 
            Just asking cause I am inevitably going to write more violent stuff at some point. 


          I have finally set up my discord! I have to use it over a browser on my phone, wich kinda sucks, but I'll figure the rest out eventually. 
          If you are interested please let me know and I'll tell you my username, or you can tell me yours, I just don't want it completely public for anyone to find... 
          If I answer to your message and then delete it, it should still show up in your notifications, if now we'll just figure something else out.
          Have a nice day/night!


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@ FakeCzech  oh well fuck it, not like the whole world's gonna see it here anyways...
            It's: lonely.stranger 


@Leonie0055 yeah it didnt send :.)


@ MissSquarez  sure! You wanna tell me your username or should I give you mine?


Alright so...
          My friend, the one that proof reads everything and made the cover for my second book, has had a terrible week so far and vented to me today.
          I now really want to punch a few teachers and her parents and brother, their awful. 
          But since I can't do that, I promised her to write something quick with her favourite ship: RE and GE
          I wanna try to get it done tonight, but I might try something spicier than usual if you know what I mean, since she's asked for that from the beginning. That means I most likely can't publish it here, but will have to do it on AO3. 
          We'll see if I actually do it or end up backing out again and skipping it like I did in the last one.
          So if it takes a while for the next chapter to come out, I might be working on that or the third chapter of "Our love will last forever".
          Have a nice day/night!


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          This is gonna be long and kind of a rant...
          Is it normal that the last few days have felt like all of the progress I've made when it comes to writing is just gone?
          Like it feels like everything is just shit and not good enough to actually publish cause no one would want to read something that bad and it's below the usual quality of what I put out?
          For example:
          The wound wasn't that long, but it was deep and gushing blood. He tried to put pressure on it and hold it closed with his hand, but it only worsened the pain and made reactionary tears blur his vision into a bloody mess leaking through his fingers and dripping down his hand and arm.
          This is a passage for the bad ending of "The hunt" and it just doesn't feel right, but I can't pinpoint why...
          Anyone had this before and can give me advice? It's not quite like my usual writer's block but also quite simmilar and very confusing to me...
          Have a good day/night anyways!


@ Wolvesheart01  Danke für den Rat! Ich hab das Wochenende über schon ziemlich viel gelesen, aber es hilft nur teilweise. 
            Ich denke ich versuch was anderes zu schreiben oder mal wieder auf Deutsch...
            Hättest du theoretisch Interesse an nem deutschsprachigen Buch? Ich bin nur nicht sicher inwiefern die Qualität und Häufigkeit der neuen Kapitel sich dann vom englischen unterscheiden würde...


@Leonie0055 Ich kenn es, lies erstmal paar Geschichten, das hilft mir, wenn es nicht klappt, dann versuche in dir zu gehen und dich selber zu fragen, wieso ist es so. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir weiterhelfen^^


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School is taking my nonexistent will to life right now, send help...
          And my right hand is starting to hurt again, great...
          Weee two tests, a presentation with somebody that did nothing for it, and an exam tomorrow...
          I will either post very soon, or it'll take quite a while, depending on whether I pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow tonight or I'm up till two am and then completely fucked tomorrow, but how are you doing my lovely internet strangers?
          Hopefully better than me...
          Oh and I think I got a new request? Kinda, they said I should definitely write something with them again, so I'm counting that as a request. Just need them to answer my last question and I'll start.
          Have a good day/night!
          ( ̄▽ ̄)b 


Update: it went pretty good 
            I don't have school tomorrow so I might get something published, we'll see


Sorry just needed to vent for a moment...


          I just got done editing an old short story of mine. I used it to practice writing people who are in pain. I'm still deciding if I really think it turned out good.
          Since you liked 'Our blood' I thought maybe you'd like this one too? I left it on a cliffhanger back then, but I would want to write a good and a bad ending for it.
          So my questions now are: Should I publish it?
          If so, how should I publish it?
          Should it all be in one chapter?
          Should there be two chapters with the same beginning, but each has one of the different endings?
          Should there maybe even be three chapters, one with the beginning and then two with the different endings? 
          Keep in mind that it is old and my writing has changed a lot so it's like a weird mix of my older and newer writing style...
          Have a little peak with changed names again:
          He became frantic, looking around for Tom and finding him next to a tree, on his knees doubled over while clutching his stomach with both arms and hands. Tears streamed down his far too pale face like rivers and his mouth opened in a silent scream, his vocal cords only producing a little crackling noise. Dark trails of bood slowly started to run over the fingers of his left hand. 
          Am I ever going to finish the fishboi story? I don't know...
          Have a nice day/night!


@ FakeCzech  ah, yeah makes sense
            You just gotta be patient with me, since I haven't used it in ages and have to figure it out


@Leonie0055 Wattpad removed PMs and well... yeah


@ FakeCzech  I do, cause my sister insisted on it, but I never really used it much and honestly have no idea how everything works.
            Why do you ask tho?


So I just re-read "Our blood" and I think I should have waited with publishing it and edited it one more time. Cause some parts of it are really not that good.
          I guess gore just isn't really my thing?
          Maybe I should practice it more before actually publishing any of it, but then again, the book is not meant to be perfect and just for fun. 
          And also can someone explain to me why that out of all the chapters in my book has the most votes right now, in such a short time?
          Do you strangers on the Internet really like violence and dark stuff that much?
          Or do you like shorter stories better than the long ones?
          You honestly confuse me... 
          But please tell me what you like and dislike, that way I can improve.
          Or maybe request something?
          Still, have a nice day/night! 


@ FakeCzech  oh boy... my friend does too, she already loved the first draft. 
            Can I ask tho, do you prefer smooth transitions and a lot of narrating, like my other stories mostly have, or to have it kinda like chopped? I don't know how to explain this, but like sudden changes and actions that aren't explained but just carried out...?
            It's hard to describe...


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@Leonie0055 Dude i fucking love violence. I live and die for violence. Its so good.


          I got a long weekend ahead of me and because I love procrastinating there might be another short story coming instead of the promised long one. 
          I'm not sure yet tho, I'll see.
          Have a nice day/night!


@ FakeCzech  oh, yeah they still haven't fixed that issue I hate that too. 
            But thank you for letting me know, just knowing that there is someone interested in my stuff has really helped me at times. I'll see what I can do, maby a message on your profile? 
            Have you seen my last story update? It's a shorter one and pretty chaotic. 


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@Leonie0055 @Leonie0055 For some reason, Wattpad being fucking wattpad, doesn't notify me of any of the posts or story updates you do. So please when its out, try reaching out to me (even if PMs are gone). I really am interested in your works. and this shitty site not notifying me is really upsetting
            have a good one


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Fuck the fairytale idea, you're gonna get fishboi next. 
          An impulsive idea that came to me in the middle of the night, while scrolling trough Pinterest. The first 1700 words were written that same night. 
          Have two sentences from it with changed names as a preview:
          The next few days taught Mo that Liam, even tho he probably wasn't even twelve centimetres long and therefore smaller than the big bristlenose pleco he had gotten from his father, was a surprisingly petty and sassy creature. He would have never thought a damn fish could be so judgemental.
          He's only half a fish.
          There will be no ship in there, only friendship. 
          Would that be clear if I used & instead of x on the chapter title?