
I'm alive I think..? It's just been kinda hard lately o(╥﹏╥) forgive me!!! 


*Patiently waiting while I sip my tea* No rush.. maybe. /j


Yikes... Uh... Oh... I messed up y'all! Σ(゜゜)


@Lemonadedrinkerr Oh D:
            I didnt read this sooner lmfao


 I decided (idioticly) to delete some chapters and make one big chapter, now I have not read what would happen if I deleted chapters and I thought I would keep the same amount of reads- which you have checked... HAS CHANGED! From a 100k to down 83k (I'm still super happy, don't get me wrong) but since a chapter is kinda long (and peoples attention span is not that good and my poor and boring writing is not interesting) it's most likely I lost the 100k reads forever which is a bumper!!! o(╥﹏╥)


Hey uhh…I have an idea for a chapter but I’m not to sure about it . So basically y/n gets kidnapped by Vox for hurting Val and everyone at the hotel is concerned for them. Then Angel gets this unnerving feeling that they are at the Vee’s tower and everyone goes there to help y/n out and Alastor is real upset when he realizes that it was Vox and uhhh…yeah, that’s all I have for now, but I just kinda though of this at night so don’t judge me for the random stuff 


Hey, question, would you guys like a Vox x Reader? or should I just work on the Alastor x Reader?


@Lemonadedrinkerr  I would suggest finishing the Alastor X reader story so then you don’t have to work on 2 at once! It helps not burn out :33 


I have a fluff chapter idea i guess,
          Alastor and y/n were sitting in the opposite ends of the couch.
          Y/n was drawing something but she gets tired doing it and sleeps.
          Alastor notices her sleeping, and quietly gets her sketchbook.
          He sees the drawing and went “Oh yeah, this looks nice indeed” or something like that.
          Sooo he uses some magic and completes the drawing, also making it better. Then he places a ribbon to wrap around the page and then leaves it near Y/n so she can sleep.
          Once Y/n wakes up, she sees the completed drawing but when she looks at the ribbon, she KNEW it was Alastor.
          Lastly she muttered a “Thanks” and ends up being jolly for the entire day. :D