
Hey Guys! Sorry for my absence... i had a ton going on this summer and with school it didn't leave much time in my schedule to write. I will be updating ! more often now (aiming for a good sized update every few weeks or sooner). I hope to hear from all of you soon! Also thank you so much for all the votes and reads on Say Something! :P


Hey Guys! Sorry for my absence... i had a ton going on this summer and with school it didn't leave much time in my schedule to write. I will be updating ! more often now (aiming for a good sized update every few weeks or sooner). I hope to hear from all of you soon! Also thank you so much for all the votes and reads on Say Something! :P


I love your username.  I'm assuming you're a fellow lefty :)


yay I found a fellow lefty :p did you know we are some kind of rare species? and thanks I like your username too.


Hey!!1 Thanks for the followed!! You look kinda cool, and the fact that you do cross country and like Switched at Birth, and also obviously speak spanish!! So... hey *waves shyly*


I think we've become quite good friends, you're awesome :) So I followed you. Now hopefully, my short term memory does not let me forget that I made a new friend today. I'll see you around :D


Hey Guys! Say Something is almost up to 50 reads on its first chapter :D Thank you soooo much. I promise that a new chapter will be up soon, I have to go back and edit what I have then I will post it. Please, Please, Please comment on the story, it really helps motivate me to write knowing what you guys think of it.