
New Chapter 2 has been posted for His Kitten, Her Captor! 
          	Stay Thirsty, hunters!


Well, it's been a while guys. I'm glad to see all of you again (though I know I am probably going to get the talking to of my life lol). I'm sorry for leaving you guys hangin' for so long. I am back though and I will be posting weekly. I will update and finish HKHC (which I might rename) before I begin posting all of my other projects I have begun. It's good to see you all again. :) For those of you who have already read HKHC, I would read the updates that will be starting in the next few days because I have made A LOT of changes.  As a sorry, I have updated my profile and given you my real name lol. Feel free to follow me on IG @dezigrrl. AND feel free to message me.
          P.S. I posted this previously, but realized I didn't notify my followers. So sorry if you read it twice.


So guys,
          I have been busy lately and only recently started trying to edit HKHC. But, truthfully as i read through it i saw a lot that i would end up taking out and changing. So i have decided to leave you guys with the story that you all know and love. I will be posting it unedited. And i will try (though i can't promise anything) to finish it before i move to my next story. 


            Was just checking up on wattpad in a spare minute and saw you're post, really excited to read your story again. If you're not happy with it, feel free to just re write it even if others disagree, it's you're story :)
            Looking forward to reading your work xxox