
Hello guys, I got writer's block on my werewolf book, so I'm gonna write another in the meantime. I'm sorry for the inconvenience; If you have a problem, you can stop reading my book or DM me. Have a great day!


have you ever watched super sentai


it's power rangers over but over there super sentai has been on scene 1975


@josephmryman3 nope, what is that


Hello my readers, I love how most of you want to me to post all the time, but I need time to write the chapters!  So, the comments on my book have been lovely, but if you have an opinion or something that might sound mean, please just DM me. I was given a comment lately that was mean. They weren't trying to be, but it still hurt. I have disgraphia, it's a form of dislexia, so my writing will sound a pit wonky at times, or I might spell a word wrong.  I go over my chapters multiple times before I post, but some still slip through the cracks. I'm trying my best to make this book great for you guys, I've always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was little. And when I found Wattpad it gave me hope.  I love all of you guys and thank you for reading my books and supporting me! Have a wonderful week! 


what kind of anime do you like


@josephmryman3 I forgot about Digimon!  The Digimon theme song use to be my Jam! 


@Leanlie21 my favorites are the dbz series as well Digimon, Pokémon and Yu Yu hakusho


Hello my readers, I'm editing my book and I changed Zoe's name to Jalisa. I'm also doing major editing on the chapters I've already typed but not posted so it will take a while for me to post a new chapter. Thank you for being patient! ♥️♥️