
I’ll be taking My Family down soon


So erm I just swallowed a big ass pill and I think it’s stuck in my throat. Whenever I try to drink water, I feel it going down my throat and then coming back up as a burp...
          Imma go sleep now but if I wake up choking and going to the hospital, you’ll know why


the amount of love my book is receiving from you oof i love you, thank you! ♥♥♥


tbh it wasn't my best plot xD but thank you! and also that's fine ♥♥♥


Don’t mention it. I just love your book so much! It’s a different plot I haven’t read before and it has made me look at rumours differently.
            Btw, I kinda put the book in the wrong reading list. It’s not supposed to be in the completed list 