
In case some of you are questioning why I'm not so active rn on Wattpad is because I started posting a bit on Tiktok 


Can you guys just imagine beeing Ban or Elaine getting an "congratulation of becoming an uncle/aunt!" Card after every child from King and Diane 
          I saw a  comment on Tiktok that went like this and i laughed so hard:
          Ban after getting the seventh “You’re going to be an uncle” card: King, if you don’t put the d down, I will rip it off in front of your wife. I already have enough people to send birthday presents to!


I feels so bad for Jerichos VA after THAT scene T_T
          And I'm already scared for her other VA's for the other languages like god I don't wanna hear her English and German VA say that...


@ HarlequinS1mp  Fr T-T


@LaughingA3 Nah they must have look at the text and be like "wtf?"


Okay Lizard people In 4KOTA/SDS wasn't on my bingo card lol (also King cried like such a baby this chapter cuz Nasiens rejected the offer of giving him that drug and telling him his opinion straight to his face it seems like) (Also Myrthle is possessed by chaos magic now it seems like)


@ LaughingA3  Nah but for real sorry not sorry bit he don't know how to update his characters and actually make them goo :/


@ HarlequinS1mp  The characters will either get a glow up and become terrible, get a glow down and stay the same. Nothing changes in their personality and they look good but only get 5 minutes of screetime because yes or because they get killed.
            (Like The Archangels would be really important for Tristan and Gawain so they need to become a thing but Tristan is currently in Chaos jail ig)


@ LaughingA3  Nah you though the same thing as me it's insane :D


Sorry if I'm disturbing you but I have a question,
          My friend told me that apoarently Ban was gonna die and that Lancelot would be the one to kill him, is it true or not ? (I'm honestly scared that it's true-)


@LaughingA3  Okay thanks for explaining ! I was so scared he would actually be dead-


@ HarlequinS1mp  or changed but it is a possibility 


@ HarlequinS1mp  He's not dead atleast now. We were able to see a future vision of Ban getting killed by Lancelot. But we can't say if that's really going to happen cuz the future can be rewritten 