
Who's ready for an update?!


'Forever' is coming to an end soon.. But don't worry! We already have a sequel in the works! It hasn't been started yet but we are planning! It will probably start towards the of Febuary maybe beginning of March? It all depends on the ending of Forever. But we'll keep you posted! Love you lots!


Okay. I'm so so so sorry! I have tried to update, and I have a lot of the next chapter finished, but I'm just not feeling it right now. My head hurts and then my aunt came and dragged me to the gym to some like advance yoga or something, so now my whole body hurts and UGH! I just feel like an elephant sat on me honestly. But, after I get back from school tomorrow since I am going back to public school, I will finish the chapter. Again, I'm sorry. I'm trying really hard. Love you guys!