
Hey guys, so if you haven't seen it already, I updated Butterfly Kisses today! I felt bad for missing two weeks of updates between my grandpa's passing and Finals, so I sat down and cranked a chapter out tonight.
          	I plan to update Like I Have Never Known tomorrow!


helloo!! I'm actually looking for a story i read a whileeee ago, idk why but your @ is so familiar to me maybe it's you who wrote it? by any chance, did you delete some of your stories?


@acieeeie oh!! may i know some that you took down? and is there a chance that you'll put it up again?


@acieeeie I didn't delete them, but I did take quite a few down and into my drafts.


How are you doing buddy?! 


@iamjenlisasuperior Sounds intense! I know how busy life can get. But you got this!


@LarksintheGarden I hope you will get back to normal sooner than later.
            I am doing somehow good, I have finals coming up but I started to be a judge of literally 50 books and started writing new books too, like screw me. LoL 


@iamjenlisasuperior Not too bad all things considered. I did manage to sprain my thumb of all things which has dampened my ability to write as much, but hopefully in a week or so it'll be back to normal. Lol 
            How have you been?


So, I didn't update last week because we were busy with company all week long. Sadly, Tuesday, my grandpa passed away so I'll be flying to MN for his funeral tonight after work. I'll try to write before my flight, but I'm not sure how it will go. Either way, you'll have a late chapter for Like I Have Never Known.


I’m sorry to hear that.


@LarksintheGarden may he rest in peace <3 take your time

LarksintheGarden'll try my very best to get something out on Like I Have Never Known, tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'm coming down with something which means I may not be able to write tonight or edit anything since I need to monitor my health stuff very closely. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a hospital visit, but I'm due for one if my body is going to be consistent. Lol


Author I loved your vook Treasured so much!!!  ❤❤ It literally made my reading stake super high! Can you please please please make one more book just like that ❤ I really hope to read one more of your stories like that one, thank you for treasured... I really treasure treasured ❤❤Love you author ❤


@LarksintheGarden  I love poly institution books and yours is like one of the fav ❤
            Butterfly kisses is also great, I really liked it ❤ Waiting for your other works all the best!! 


@Kat12110 Thank you for the positive feedback! I have no current plans to write a spin off or a sequel to Treasured. I do have lots of other plans and books that I would love to publish, but for now I'm focusing on Like I Have Never Known (another poly book), and occasionally, Butterfly Kisses. 