
Hello everyone! I am deciding to start writing once again! I'd really appreciate it if you all could give it a read, Muah! <333


Since I've not been on this app in a while and most of my followers here belong to the 1D fandom lemme ask you a question. ARE YOU GUYS STILL IN THE 1D FANDOM OR HAVE YOU ALL LOST INTEREST? i swear the friends that i made here just randomly disappeared! 


@Larentsvulturetaurus I no longer care . They still cool but I mean come on who cares 
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I dont want to share this with my closed ones becuase ik they'll worry. So imma just rant about it over here.
          Today i woke up and i was fine. Happy even for once but then i talked to one of my friends and he made a joke which wasn't serious but I had been thinking about it and it triggered me into a panic like state. My heart beat was going CRAZY over that small joke. I had to reach out to my other friend for comfort, and it did help. I felt fine. But when i stepped into the shower, i started feeling dizzy. It felt as if I'd pass out any given moment, and my breathing became out of control. I was trembling so i had to step out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and i sat on my floor for idk how long in that state. My thoughts were going crazy, and my heart rate was accelerating over time. I felt like dying as if at any moment I'll lose control of my life . I didn't realize but my tears were falling and i was shivering all over again. From cold? From panic? I don't know. I've been dealing with anxiety for a long time now and panic attacks are constant for me. I feel on edge every single day yet i have to pretend That I am fine. Sometimes I feel like dying, and then there are days when I think dyings a waste of time. I WANT TO LIVE but i am exhausted. If anyone out there is dealing with anxiety or any other mental health issue, just know that you're not alone. And our suffering is not in vain. We'll be fine one day and then we'll laugh freely without feeling guilt for being happy. My heart goes out to you and I love you sm even though I don't know you. Anyways end of rant, If you're still reading this then i hope you have a good day :) 


@Larentsvulturetaurus heyy, you aren't alone either love, and asking for help doesnt make u weak, if anything it makes you strong. Ilysm, take care <3
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