
2 chapters for tonight is up, let me know what you readers think of it. Slow update. 


@LanCeline93 thanks for giving information.  wattpad not sending notification


Hi author, I have a request. Can I use the book cover of STUCK WITH YOU for my own story? It's my first time writing so I am choosing the cover among the best. I really loved that cover. Can this wish be granted? I would be obliged if you give me the permission ☺️☺️


2 chapters for tonight is up, let me know what you readers think of it. Slow update. 


@LanCeline93 thanks for giving information.  wattpad not sending notification


Working as Domestic Helper abroad is solo tired I can't even have a proper rest, so I'm gonna slowly write but won't promise when I can post. My old books are all on Hiatus, I can only write whenever I'm given break (1-2hours) or when I rest before bedtime. But I miss you all guys I will be working here in Damman Saudi for atleast 2 years so maybe I could work with something. See u all when I see you


I hope the fantasy sustains you, as it does me.


Warm My Cold Heart ~ Synopsis 
          Since wei ying can remember he loves to get the reaction from the second jade of Gusu, when he first saw the boy back when his parents  enrolled him for cultivation class in Gusu, under the sect Leader Brother Lan Qiren, he have meet Lan zhan and he was fascinated with what he saw and he wanted to be friend, so he did all he can. Until during their Last year in Gusu study before their presentation to know if they were "omega, alpha, or beta" something happened that wei ying felt like his heart has been broken, he doesn't even know why he have always admired lan zhan and for the last 5 years since he have tried to become friends the only thing he got was his heart broken. 
          Five years later, wei ying is now a fully grown Omega, and as far as he knows the twins jade of Gusu are both alphas not that he care as he doesn't. He still won't come to gusu even with his parents nagging him to visit madam Lan he only sends her gifts and letters. 
          What will happen if their parents have arrange for them to get married? Would they get their happy ever after? And oh no, he have doesn't even want to hear, see him again. 
          Soon to be published, currently on notes writing during my free time (when I'm on break, yes please as I love to escape reality as I'll get crazy here in Damman, Saudi if I don't do anything fun on my free time). 


            Sounds interesting tho
            Happily wait


Hello everyone it's your author/writer I'm so sorry I haven't been in Wattpad for a while I'm kinda focusing on my personal matters. How are you all? I hope you all my lovely wonderful readers are well and healthy. Current update, I'm applying to work abroad yes, I'll be working as DH somewhere in middle east for better future. I don't know when I can be able to upload chapters but I hope you guys will still be there for me when I finally decided to come back to write, I have been reading a lot about Wangxian (female version) and oh boy it's so good that I keep having ideas. But don't wanna start since I have soooo many pending books to finish. Anyways I miss you all, stay safe and healthy xoxo 


@LanCeline93 hope all goes wells for you. We will be here waiting for your return


Hey hello
            Hope everything is doing well on your end
            All the best!


For those who are wondering how am I doing. I have been working since 10th of This month. yes finally I found another source of Income so finger crossed that I should be able to start writing again soon. Best regards, Lanceline93 xoxo


@LanCeline93 don't worry about your stories you should take care of yourself and take your time 