
Hello all. ^^ I hope you're doing well. 
          	Anyway, this goes out to anyone reading my story Risen To Fall.  
          	I'm experiencing what I think is writers block, or I'm just not happy with my story, and If i can't write it and love it, then I don't want to write it all.
          	 I'm sorry to anyone this might disappoint.   I might be back and pick up where I left off, or I might start something new, and maybe I might not be back at all.  Anyway, what I've written, I'm taking down. Thanks to all who gave me encouragement, support and ideas. It was fun. ^^ Bye~


Hello all. ^^ I hope you're doing well. 
          Anyway, this goes out to anyone reading my story Risen To Fall.  
          I'm experiencing what I think is writers block, or I'm just not happy with my story, and If i can't write it and love it, then I don't want to write it all.
           I'm sorry to anyone this might disappoint.   I might be back and pick up where I left off, or I might start something new, and maybe I might not be back at all.  Anyway, what I've written, I'm taking down. Thanks to all who gave me encouragement, support and ideas. It was fun. ^^ Bye~


Happy New years.  This should be everyone's New year resolution.  Be happy. Love yourself.  Don't be negative.  Care for others. Be kind. Never stop dreaming, for that is reality in process.  Happy New years my darlings~ ♡♡


@Laken_Heartofgold  You too, thanks so much! Wish you the best.  


Hello everyone, I hope you'll take the time out to read this, I admit it will be a bit long, but please read it till the end. 
          Okay, I want to tell you guys a story about how and why I got into writing. Well, it started off with my love of reading. I love that feeling I get, I'm sure most of you can relate; that feeling you get from reading a really good book. You're emotionally involved, and your favorite character is like a part of you, and you feel their pain, love, happiness, joy, anger....all of it! That feeling that makes you wonder, it has you holding the book close to your chest,  excited, wanting more.....That was the feeling that made me want to write. I wanted to give other's that feeling, I want them to feel the way I feel when I read a book from my favorite author(s). Cassandra Clare, Andrea Cremer, Bree Despain, Libba Bray,  Francesca Lia Block, so on, and so forth.  I wanted to create something so meaningful, and real, that it gave people the same feels that I got from reading all of those wonderful, moving books.  That's what I really want.. 
          But, it doesn't seem my writing is having that affect. It doesn't move people, or make them want to turn the next page with tears in their eyes, and happiness in their hearts.  As cliche as this might sound, that's what I truly want. 
          So.....I have this small favor to ask; message me and let me know what you think. Some people already told me what they thought. Some comments were nice, and inspired me to push my limits. Other's were not so much....I just want to know what you guys think. Please.  If you like it, share with your friends,  ask them to follow me. All constructive criticism is welcomed. I thank you all for your time,.
          I especially thank my followers for their support. You guys are my inspiration.   You are my foundation, thank you~
          Sincerely, and aspiring writer to be~


Hey beautiful people! I want to thank my followers for following me, and for reading what I've written so far. I know I've been absent lately, but I'll be posting the forth part later today. If you like my story Rise To Fall, please share with your friends/followers and ask them to follow me, read my novel, and comment what they think. I would really appreciate it!  Thank you for everything, and all of the love.   Your kind words encourage me! <3


Can't wait to start reading your writing!


            Thank you. I really appreciate it.  :)


I'll read it as soon as its posted:)


            lol in that case I think you'll really enjoy what I have. I really hope you do anyway. ^^ That's kinda my goal.  I want people to feel how I felt when reading a good novel. It's a great feeling. 