
I’m going to write more now and please shout my profile out and I’ll do the same. Any suggestions on genres or story lines ?


Hey! I just wanted to let you know your collection of poetry is very cute and it is such a great thing that you did that! I mean, as a poet, I can truly understand that this has to be very rewarding! Good job to you and to the authors :) I followed u♡♡♡


@colledoll1229 lol I'll take a look at your work , and yes poetry is amazing. 


Sweetheart you should only put your favorite authors in there. Or poems you relate to. I love that offer and i am so flattered.  If u had found a poem of mine you like than yes of course. Absolutely. But it's your choice not mine. :) I'm glad u like poetry. It's beautiful.


@colledoll1229 I find poetry just amazing and I can connect with it so easily so thank you and of course if you want any of your work put in my book let me know. 