
Oh dear, I wasn't expecting this but Aspects of Harmony is getting a massive rewrite. Not everything will change but please expect some noticeable ones. (Hopefully, my writing becoming better is one of them.) :D


Aspects of Harmony is officially down for right now. I'm working on rewriting the existing parts for the time being.


@Stardust-Reader I'm not leaving. Just rewriting a story.


@Laila_Ikatashi Nooo. Please come back!


Okay. I'm pretty sure most of you that followed me, did it because of Aspects of Harmony. So, I figured that I should post my posting update here instead of in the story itself.
          I mean, I can but I don't want you guys getting excited for a new part only for it to be an update. So in a reply to this post, I will post when I plan to add more parts of the story.


I apologize for the delay in posting this. I actually believed that I had already done so. Odd.
            Anyway, I'm going to be trying my best to post a new part every Thursday. I can't guarantee it will always happen though.