
anyone else struggling what to theme your profile after?


          So this weeks chapter (and possibly the next few weeks chapters) are going to be late. I’ll be unable to write anything, as unfortunately All my exams and Assignments were moved to this week. (When originally they were split across the next month) This is especially important, as three of them will affect my over all Grade. 
          Sorry for inconvenience!


Hi there! I’ve got some exciting news! So I’ve decided, to write a new book Of your choosing! The fandom, personality and ideas are all up to you! And the ones with the most likes or the most popular choices will be choosen! Thank you so much for everything so far! 


@LadyIreneBelserion ok, I think I cna fo that^^.
            Well my idea is lmk book similar to your, but with me as the protagonists, of course it would be different from yours as to not be compared to closely. And here's that thing, my character is a stone monkey in disguise after going into hiding after what hapoend in the past.
            That's my idea anyways, hoep it makes the cut.


@KenzieSlowsky Hi! So either, write the fandom/idea on here or on the latest chapter of the Desire book! Then on Sunday, I’ll make a new book post the options on the first chapter and most popular, becomes a book! 


            oh wow that sound sliek a terrific idea^^, how does the whole thing work to apply?


Desire readers! Once again me! At this point I think you’re getting annoyed at me  Anyway, is anyone willing to let me DM/Message them? I have this backstory/lore idea, however I wanted to talk to someone about it if you don’t mind? This will of course include spoilers.


ATTENTION DESIRE ( MONKIE KID X READER) LOVERS, please remember to comment The characters you want for the valentines special!
          Characters so far
          -Mei Dragon


Hey everyone! It’s one of your favourite authors here! (Hopefully!) I’m planning to do a Au sans x reader x Au Papyrus, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to let me message them, so I can discuss ideas, and see there thoughts on it? And what love interests would you guys be interested in when it’s published? Please comment below!