
          	Jack*points at me*: I can live, but not with this person around.
          	me: heyyyy D: that's mean ! Jack I love yo- 
          	jack: *exit the room*
          	me:jack!!! wait !!! come back here !!! JACK !!! JAAAAAAAA-
          	Jack*trows a pillow in my face* :For the love of the Operator, shut it woman !!!


@MissHorrorStory  Okay, I leave you Jeff, but Eyeless jack is mine, Deal ?;D
          Jeff *angry and pointing a knife at me*: Hold on ! before I kill you, with who did  you hooked me up?!
          me: *pointing to MissHorrorStory *
          Jeff *putting the knife away*: Well hello there pretty face ;)
          me*glomps jack*: now I am yours :D
          Jack*facepalming*:somebody save meeeeeeeeeee !!!-_-