Hi everyone! 
          	I realize that my updates for Lovely have been slow. There just hasn’t been the motivation or inspiration there to push it out. If I were too push it out, it wouldn’t be work I would be happy with as it would be rushed and short. 
          	Thank you to all the readers of lovely for understanding! 


@LUCIDVH Oh my god You don't know how happy I am good heavens. I'm one of the vhope readers that are like here for a very long time and all the good writers from that time kind of vanished or stopped writing. I feel like my hope is still there. I lvoe your writing


@rip_yoursanity I’m still here :). I’ll be real I’m bad at using this app ever since I started college, and truly would love to finish lovely. There was a point where I need a bit of a break from this app.  It summer break now! So I may bring it back. 


@LUCIDVH are you still gonna update lovely? its been so long. you're probably gone.....



Hi everyone! 
          I realize that my updates for Lovely have been slow. There just hasn’t been the motivation or inspiration there to push it out. If I were too push it out, it wouldn’t be work I would be happy with as it would be rushed and short. 
          Thank you to all the readers of lovely for understanding! 


@LUCIDVH Oh my god You don't know how happy I am good heavens. I'm one of the vhope readers that are like here for a very long time and all the good writers from that time kind of vanished or stopped writing. I feel like my hope is still there. I lvoe your writing


@rip_yoursanity I’m still here :). I’ll be real I’m bad at using this app ever since I started college, and truly would love to finish lovely. There was a point where I need a bit of a break from this app.  It summer break now! So I may bring it back. 


@LUCIDVH are you still gonna update lovely? its been so long. you're probably gone.....