
Alcune storie che adesso metterò nei vari elenchi di lettura non le ho lette. Ci terrei a precisarlo. Essendo questa pagina nuova, per il momento è tutto ancora molto provvisorio, ma in futuro vedrò di aggiornare tutto e di inserire storie un po' più ricercate. 


نار جهنم تنتظركم... 


            خلاص كافي مليت من محادثتك  


We are a safe place, this is a place for anyone and anyone. We accept furries, littles, Femboy's, Masc Girls, Crossdressers, etc...
          This sever is home to 81 people, and we knoe that there could be more, we are a very accepting place and if you have a problem with something please let the Owner or Co Owner know and they will address your concerns.


Truth about LGBTQ+
          **Myth & Facts about LGBTQ+ ppls**
          Myth : 1) They are disgusting for liking the same sex 2) It’s a disease 3) First impression on them are about sex thus it is disgusting 4) It’s not normal
          Facts : 1) It is not disgusting, in fact it’s the same thing like straight couples, They only prefer/attracted to different gender 2) It is not a disease, It’s something they are born with and had always been their fate/destiny 3) Their love story is just the same as straight couple, they feel love, connection, signs that they are meant for each other, a soulmate. LGBTQ+ Love is very real 4) They were suppressed for many years since the old times that it seems like it’s not normal but really they exist since the beginning of time just like straight peoples. 5) There had never been a case about anything regarding sexual abuse, harassment that is done by LGBTQ+ people. 6) They are more open-minded than most of us because they tend to accept diversity thus making them a very loving and caring society
          YOU ARE THE MOST EVOLVED HUMAN! You are in the latest version of human! You are very special to be a part of this rarity, don’t give up no matter what and most importantly don’t lose yourself to please others, YOU ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER IN YOUR LIFE! NOT THEM!!!! If people harass you for being who you are or whatever you do, they’re just incompatible with you BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO OUDATED AND YOU ARE TOO ADVANCED!! Ily.
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