
Hey guys! So I’m not dead if you were wondering lmao. So wattpad did something to my book cause it’s fricking gone guys. Like I didn’t even delete it ???  I’ve sent an email and stuff but I won’t keep my hopes up. This book had a lot of memories for me, both funny and sad ones. I did write it when I was depressed af lmao. But this book has also become a sort of a fond memory and I did want to update and post some chapters. Can I anybody help me with this?? Like I don’t know what to do 


@iCoralis oof, why can’t schools genuinely care about their students. Anywho, I’m glad you’re ok darlin  


@LEVI1232 I'm ok, schools kinda stressful though QvQ


@iCoralis lmao I’m back and I’m tryna get my book back. Oh that rhymed! Anywho, how you doin?


Hey guys! So I’m not dead if you were wondering lmao. So wattpad did something to my book cause it’s fricking gone guys. Like I didn’t even delete it ???  I’ve sent an email and stuff but I won’t keep my hopes up. This book had a lot of memories for me, both funny and sad ones. I did write it when I was depressed af lmao. But this book has also become a sort of a fond memory and I did want to update and post some chapters. Can I anybody help me with this?? Like I don’t know what to do 


@iCoralis oof, why can’t schools genuinely care about their students. Anywho, I’m glad you’re ok darlin  


@LEVI1232 I'm ok, schools kinda stressful though QvQ


@iCoralis lmao I’m back and I’m tryna get my book back. Oh that rhymed! Anywho, how you doin?


Please more skephaloooooo I can't find any good ones and ur a good fluff and smut writerrrrrrr 


Yeah.. same lol. I'm kinda in the Helluva Boss fandom now which is, like, the very opposite of DSMP. Especially because BBH is (or was I dunno now) so sensitive to bad language, and every demon in the cartoon swears every five seconds, or makes some dick joke LMAO.


@dumplingUwUdoge LMAO bruh same tbh. Hey are you even in the skephalo fandom anymore ? Cause I’ve sort of just…I don’t even know what happened but I’m just not interested anymore???? Wth- I mean o ship them but still that urge to write is poof gone


Dude it's been so long I don't even remember writing this